While we reach out actively into our community, we are called also to take care of our own
church family and their families with love and with hope. We take care of one another through
a number of initiatives and with the helping hands of many.

Pastoral Care and Support - While leadership for pastoral care comes from our ministry team, we reach out to one another with support in times of need, with home and hospital visiting, and support in providing a luncheon and an attractive place for families to mingle after funerals in the church.

Prayer Group - Once a week, a group gathers together to lift up others in prayer, especially for those known to the congregation, or through requests that come in. All requests are treated highly confidentially, but those making the requests can be sure that there are others holding them in their hearts and prayers.

Fellowship Events - Our fellowship team organizes events, for people of all ages, so that we can build relationships and make contact outside of the church services. See our events page to see what's going on now!